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Tomato RollerHook with Wire Frame and 32 meter Twine

  • Try something new! Vertical Gardening! Will work perfect for your tomato vines, stick beans, cucumbers or any other vining plant. This string system is typically used in a greenhouse but can work for the outside gardener. No more reaching through wire cages. No more vines growing and falling over which collapse the cage. You will find that it is easy picking with the string trellis. This also allows the plant to grow really tall. Stop the vines from getting taller by picking off the fuzzy tufts on the end. By regular de-fuzzing the shoot your garden will not become overrun by vines. Since your vines will be exposed to warm air and drying winds you may need to water more often. Mulching helps to conserve moisture.

    Tip: For outside gardening, install your trellis (Not Included) on or before planting day anchoring it solidly onto the ground. By having the anchors in place will keep you from injuring the roots of your plants. Then run your cable line.

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